Nutrition and Supplementation
ProduNats was created to focus on health, base on dietary supplements.

Quality, Integrity and Rigor
ProduNats is extremely accurate at all stages of the process of acquiring goods, especially in the selection of raw materials and production, storage and distribution of the final product.
Perspective and Social Responsibility
Our business perspective will serve to suppot a social aspect, in order to compete in today´s market, offering high quality products and proven, which meet the nutritional needs of people looking to have a healthier life.
Innovation, Professionalism and Certification
Betting on professionalism and a suitable structure, our products are manufactured by a certified laboratory, and competent, well marketed and that not only provides a high level of service quality (certified GMP and HACCP), as well as a rigorous quality control. Thus, we ensure the achievement of excellent products. Produnats intends to continue in health care, preserving the efficiency and quality that characterize their products. To this end, undertakes to maintain any requirement, accuracy and professionalism.
Information and Guidance
Our presence in the market has the intention to guide, inform and promote an improved quality of life for our consumers.