Palmeira Anã Florida
Pau D`arco
Arala Stone Forest or Hume Caá (Myrcia citrifolia):
This plant is particularly suitable for the treatment of diabetes. Known as the plant insulin, the naturally low blood glucose levels. Studies show that has a hypoglycemic action. The Arala Forest is also a cardiac tonic, contributing to the health and functioning of the heart. It hypotensive, reducing blood pressure, and is astringent, antidiarrheal, diuretic, anti-hemorrhagic, being useful in the treatment of kidney and uterine inflammations, bladder and intestines.
Botanically known as Serenoa repens ( Saw Palmetto , Sabal serrulata ) is a palm tree that grows naturally in Florida , Georgia and Mississippi. The therapeutic compound is of berries of the plant. The Serenoa repens is used mainly for urinary symptoms associated with enlarged prostate , also called benign prostatic hyperplasia . The Serenoa repens is also used for other medical conditions such as chronic pelvic pain , bladder disorders , decreased sex drive , hair loss and hormonal imbalances . Has been employed against cancer Benign prostatic because it prevents testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) , the hormone responsible for the proliferation of prostate cells , which occur abnormally, causing the increase thereof. It is also recognized against any type of disorder of the urinary and genital systems , including inflammation , airway obstruction or disruptions . Useful against impotence and helps to increase libido . Relieves frequent nighttime urination , urinary flow increases . It is classified as an aphrodisiac plant , anti - seborrheic , antiestrogenic , diuretic and inhibitor of prostate cells , rejuvenating sexually .
The plant passion fruit ( Passiflora ) is indigenous to the tropical and sub - tropical America , especially in Mexico where it was appreciated by the Aztecs because of its sedative properties . The clinical use of the plant 's passion is recent and dates from the nineteenth century , when it was published that possessed properties analgégicas and prevented the insomnia without side effects . Its primary chemical constituents , alkaloids and flavonoids , could be responsible for relaxing action and anti -depressive plant . The Passiflora incarnata is used to induce sleep and relaxation in a natural way , without causing addiction or dependence. Acts at the level of the spinal cord , probably because of the interaction with receptor endorphins , decreasing the intensity of external stimuli that reach the central nervous system. Its characteristics analgesic , antispasmodic , hypotensive and sedative , make it recommended in case of nervousness , anxiety , depression , insomnia , concentration difficulties , premenstrual syndrome and gastro -intestinal spasms of nervous origin .
Pau d'arco also known as “Ipe-Purple" has its origin in the Amazon rainforest and has been used for hundreds of years for various situations. By its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, healing, it is a natural antibiotic. It is used in gastro-intestinal problems, bladder infections, anemia, arthritis, skin diseases, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It also promotes circulation and also acts as a cleanser, and also advised in cases of diabetes and aiding in the treatment of neoplastic diseases.